anything at all and nothing in particular

Anyone who knows me well appreciates how I can get completely obsessed with anything at all and nothing in particular. This can be work (thank goodness not anymore), badminton, riding my bike, walking, gardening, making cards, emailing, photography, painting our house different colors, socializing, jewellery making, playing computer games/video games, other people's problems, a future goal, a past mistake, solving the world's problems, ..... writing on my blog. Aaron says he wishes I would become obsessed with cleaning the house.... That is why I have been offline.

Anyway, since Aaron has been home the last two weeks I decided to put my obsessions on hold and relax. Last week Aaron could feel the tension of me trying to relax and be a nice wife... and it stressed him out.

So this week I made two hundred cards, 50 necklaces and planted new flowers in the front garden. Now I am back on the blog. I have figured out that I need to switch the obsessions around. For example, I can be obsessed with making cards and just when I am hitting the apex I need to switch and change to making necklaces, sending mail, etc..

Additionally, this week, since I was no longer trying to be nice after we celebrated our anniversary on Saturday (see Aaron's blog for details and pictures) I felt a lot happier! Aaron said I could be as rude and crude as I wanted to as he prefers me when I am relaxed and happy (and rude and crude) than when I am nice and stressed out.

BALANCE! What is the difference between an obsession and a compulsion? I don't know. Let's look at the dictionary and see what it says!

com·pul·sion n

1. a force that makes somebody do something
2. an act of compelling or the state of being compelled
3. a psychological and usually irrational force that makes somebody do something, often unwillingly

ob·ses·sion n
1. an idea or feeling that completely occupies the mind
2. the state of being obsessed by somebody or something
3. the uncontrollable persistence of an idea or emotion in the mind

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Let's see... I think my interests start out as obsessions and turn into compulsions. It is all about control.

As the Bible says: 1 Corinthians 6:12 " All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything."

Is this verse (or St. Paul) exhorting us to moderation?

Anyway.... What exactly have I been doing with Aaron? Is he lying in a mangled heap under our mulch pile?

This week we went out for breakfast in Broad Ripple and for a walk on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings. See! I have been gentle with him! Tomorrow is his first day at his new job. Last week we had a wild week going for walks along the canal, buying veggies at the farmers market, visiting the art museum and.... going to a music store. This week I gave him a break.

Well, that is all here. There will be more later, but less often. Otherwise maybe Aaron will take away my computer privileges, just like he erased all the computer games on our computers a few years ago.....
