The apology, Emma Kalinowski

I am sorry I hit cat but he was knocking down my tower, which was really high and it was going to space

I am sorry I took all the paper off the toilet roll but my bottom was still dirty and I had to make it really clean .

I am sorry I woke you up but I didn’t want to be in my bed anymore and I wanted you to get up too

I am sorry I drew on your new sofa. You were in the kitchen and weren’t playing with me.

I am sorry I partially dislocated your retina. I just wanted to see what would happen if I stuck my finger in your eye.

I am sorry.

10/19/08 8:41 AM


  1. In 5 years I will want to stay in bed till noon and will get really mad at you when you turn on the vac.

    In 5 years I will get mad at you because the sofa looks like crap and my friends will make comments.


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