Hello out there

I think the date is January 9.  I will find out if I am right.

I have had a sore throat all year!   ON new Year's Eve the Case family came over and that is the last time I remember feeling okay.  I have sores in my mouth and the dentist says I have to have my wisdom teeth removed and 5 fillings.  He asked me if I drink sugary drinks all day and I said I was English. He was quite strict and said that it was no excuse for having teeth like mine!

Aaron is putting Joel to bed. I hear happy noises.   I hope that the noises stop and he gets a good long night of sleep and I can hang out with my man.

The house is surprisingly clean.   Last year was the year to try and keep the kitchen clean and this year I am adding the coffee room.  If I add a room a year to my clean room list.. in ten years the whole house might be clean every day! How miserable will my life be though if I am always cleaning the house?  I will have to get a lot of books on CD for my ipod to keep me doing it.

Anyway, that is far into the future.
