Joel's Christmas Decorations

Why am I posting pictures of Joel's Christmas decorations?  Well... it was a bit of an obsession for Joel.  From Thanksgiving to Christmas we made Christmas decorations nearly every day.  We painted tree ornaments, cut out snowflakes, made paper chains... what else... we made Christmas cards. It was insane.

Leading up to Christmas we also read every Christmas themed book the library had and watched every Christmas movie we could get our hands on... except A Christmas Story, which is Aaron's favorite.  We were going to watch it on Christmas Eve, but there was too much other stuff we wanted to stuff into that day, including driving around Indianapolis looking at al the Christmas lights.

Joel called his room Christmas World.  He got really angry at me because I kept on calling it winter wonderland. WHOOPS!  He had a nativity scene, a christmas tree, the chains we made with Jamia, snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and all the christmas doodads he could persuade me he needed.
