Adventures in loving our kids

My kid is now at the age when he says: “ I don’t love you mommy!” That irritates me. He also says “You don’t love me anymore!” That hurts me. I know he is just “saying words” and does not mean them (as he tells me) but it horrifies me that he might not feel that I love him.
Luckily for us, we don’t have to worry about our kids feeling unloved in their moppets’ class! Melissa Henney, our older-moppets leader says, “The teachers are AWESOME this year. They were hand picked by us!”
Melissa has developed a curriculum for our kids that is beyond anything our MOPS group has had before.
“We are excited for all the wonderful changes made to the MOPPETS program this year. Your children are always well taken care of but this year the older kids are really going to get more out of the 2 hours you are with other MOPS moms. They will be learning about God and many of the wonderful things He made,” says Melissa.
In their classes, the kids get to do a fun craft, sing, maybe even dance, and have lots of laughs and smiles.
If you ever have any questions or concerns about your kids please see Melissa Henney or Stephanie Simpson.
