While you were all sleeping off the effects of your kids late night after the couples' dinner (or whatever you were doing on Friday night), the MOPS steering team was working hard firming up our MOPS programming for the rest of the year. That the meeting involved a lot of laughter, cookies, and a tasty lunch is neither here nor there!

One of the subjects we discussed is steering positions for next year. As you know, some of us are graduating, moving, or retiring. For the 2009-2010 steering team we are recruiting specifically for positions in creative activities and hospitality. There are many perks. If you join steering, you get to go to our summer retreat where we spend a day planning the year, brainstorming speakers, crafts, and other activities. You also get to go to our monthly meetings to ensure all the details are in place for each meeting.  

Being on Steering is fun and encouraging. We pray together, eat together and laugh together and have the satisfaction that we are doing something that makes a difference – helping mothers realize their worth in God’s eyes.

Please let Dawn know if you are interested.

Here we all are at our winter steering retreat (the next one is in the summer).

Don't we look like we are working hard!
