The party

Every year, since his fist birthday, we have had Joel's birthday outside in our back yard and let him invite as many people as he pleased.   This year was the first that promised.. PROMISED... rain.    My Mops group said that they would faithfully pray for good weather.   Although I believed that they would pray, I was not sure that my needs held the most weight and that perhaps someone else was praying for rain and had a more noble cause than a 5 year old birthday party.... so, Friday Night I panicked and set up a birthday party for Joel at Chuck-e-Cheese.  Phew!

It worked out well as Joel had always wanted a party there and I told him he never would... HA HA HA HA. All his friends had a great time too, and Joel loves the person dressed up as Chuck-e-Cheese. The pizza even tasted good!

Did it rain? It was a beautiful, sunny and DRY day.


