Newburgh Castle

When Joel and Emma go on vacation, they don’t just see Castles in England, but also in Indiana!
Enough of the third person.
The last week of May  Joel and I went on a road Trip to visit Laura, Lars, Philip and Micah in Newburgh.  we have to go back soon, if just to play at the castle playground with the anatomically correct mermaid, complete with nipple detail!  Can you believe that.  Luckily the boys did not notice it....

Unfortunately Joel did not bring his Knight costume.  He did bring spare cowboy hats so that Philip and Micah could dress up too!

Laura said that she thought I had more fun at the playground than anyone else, but I am sure that is not true.   

What I am sure of is that I had more fun at the mission thrift store than anyone else... except perhaps Laura herself.  Joel did score 5 new cowboy shirts so he didn’t come away completely bereft.
