Tintin Chronologically

Tintin in the Land of the Soviets - (Tintin au pays des Soviets) (1929–1930)
Tintin in the Congo - (Tintin au Congo) (1930–1931)

Tintin in America - (Tintin en Amérique) (1931–1932)
Cigars of the Pharaoh - (Les Cigares du Pharaon) (1932–1934)
e Blue Lotus - (Le Lotus bleu) (1934–1935)
The Br
oken Ear - (L'Oreille cassée) (1935–1937)
The Black
Island - (L'Ile noire) (1937–1938)
King Ottokar's Sceptre - (Le Sceptre d'Ottokar) (1938–1939)
The Crab with the
Golden Claws - (Le Crabe aux pinces d'or) (1940–1941)
The Shooting Star - (L
'Etoile mystérieuse) (1941–1942)
Secret of the Unicorn - (Le Secret de la Licorne) (1942–1943)
Red R
ackham's Treasure - (Le Trésor de Rackam le Rouge) (1943–1944)
The S
even Crystal Balls - (Les Sept boules de cristal) (1943–1948)
Prisoners of
the Sun - (Le Temple du soleil) (1946–1949)
Land of Black Gold - (Tintin au pays de l'or noir) (1948–1950 1)
Destination Moon -
(Objectif Lune) (1950–1953)
lorers on the
Moon - (On a marché sur la Lune) (1950–1954)
The Calculus Affair - (L'Affaire Tournesol) (1954–1956)
The Re
d Sea Sharks - (Coke en stock) (1958)
Tintin in Tibet - (Tintin au Tibet) (1960)
The Castafiore Em
erald - (Les Bijoux de la Castafiore) (1963)
light 714 - (Vol 714 pour Sydney) (1968)
Tintin and the
Picaros - (Tintin et les Picaros) (1976)
Tintin and Al
ph-Art - (Tintin et l'Alph-Art): Unfinished work, published posthumously in 1986, and republished with more material in 2004.
Tintin and the
Lake of Sharks - (Tintin et le lac aux requins): Film adaptation (1972, 1995), not written nor drawn by Hergé.
