Informing you against your will about

things I learned today, of no particular interest or value.

1. Another name for Brittania is Albion, meaning white country. This name was popular during the 1500s and very early 1600s

2. The word stroke when applied to physical ailment comes from plague times when clerics believed that people who contracted the plague were "struck" by an angel of God as a punishment for their evil.

3. The Barker family printed the first editions of the King James Bible! Robert Barker was 'Printer to the King's Most Excellent Maiestie'

4. I like to educate Americans about the relative unimportance of the War of Independence (or as I call it the British Civil War fought on foreign soil) to the British as compared to its importance to the US. The British were busy fighting more significant battles. Well, I just learned about the lack of importance of the Puritans settling North America with white people: "Puritan America has its origin in a small and unimportant piece of church administration, by which the church's own presiding officer was frankly bored."

5. The first King James Bible was riddled with errors, three whole lines repeated in Exodus, the name Judas replaced Jesus in one of the gospels, and other word misappropriations.

6. In 1631 the so-called Wicked Bible was published that did not put the word "not" in Exodus 20:14., making it read 'Thou shalt commit adultery'. I had read that before in A.J. Jacobs Book the Year of Living Biblically.

That is the end of my time informing people against their will.
