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Showing posts from February, 1991

Military Junketings, Cecil Barker

Military Junketings Expect no meetings with the great. My military career did not lie this way. I was often jealous of other officers who told me they had been sent for by this or that General. One in particular said he had been applied for by Field Marshal Sir Archibald Wavell from the Prime Minister himself at a crucial moment in the Burma war. When “Smith”- which was not his name - reached India from England he was hurried by aeroplane to Delhi where Wavell told him he had brought him out from the United Kingdom to do this and that and the other for him. I was never so sought after. I did once box with a future chancellor of the Exchequer and was beaten by him, but we were both at the same time 18 years of age, our futures obscure before us. At the end of the third and last round of the contest, Company Sergeant Major White of the Army Physical Training Corps in my corner told me that had I fought like that in the first two rounds I should have won. I was not so young that I ...