This was the big day when I got all of the above done! I had taken classes since September, and the ceremonies were on Easter Saturday evening, or Easter Vigil. The Kalinowskis were supposed to come down from Michigan, but a large snowfall stopped all traffic north of Fort Wayne. Aaron was my sponsor for everything and Jennifer and Matt were our witnesses for our wedding. The Easter Services went from 7:15- 9:15 approximately. I took the confirmation name of Margaret. Joel usually goes to bed at 7:30 so he laid down on the pew and tried to sleep with my coat on him. The constant getting up and down and singing made sleeping a little difficult for him, but he did not lose his temper with us. He was a picture of purity of spirit! Joel came up with Aaron and me for the baptism, but stayed with Jenny and Jamia for the confirmation. The remarriage directly folllowed the easter service. It was short - about 5 minutes. We said our vows again, but this time I did not have to ...