This list is not as complete as usual as I stopped keeping track in February 2009, which coincided with Solomon’s death, and so I had to try to remember most of them. Here is the list. Some are embarrassing! 26a: A Nove l (P.S.) by Diana Evans A Hopeless Romantic by Harriet Evans A Piano in the Pyrenees, Tony An Offer You Can't Refuse by Jill Mansell Austenland: A Nove l by Shannon Hale Babieville, Jane green Betsy and the Great World/Betsy's Wedding by Maud Hart Lovelace Betsy Was a Junior/Betsy and Joe by Maud Hart Lovelace Bidding for Love by Katie Fforde Bitter is the New Black : Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unem p loyment Office by Jen Lancaster Born on a Blue Day, Daniel Tammet Breadfruit by Celestine Hitiura Vaite Bright Lights, Big Ass: A Self-Indulgent, Surly, Ex-Sorority Girl's Guide to Why it Often Sucks in the City, or Who are These Idiots and Why ...