One of the most essential parts of the mom adventure is making mom friends wherever you go...My mom friend and I came up with the great idea that we would take turns taking care of each other’s kids once a week after school. Today (Tuesday) was the first day enacting our plan, and it was my turn to take Mira home with us. While Joel was at school, I opened all the windows, vacuumed, dusted, and arranged the toys in attractive configurations. I planned our lunch, preheated the oven, and prepared the craft. At 11:15, I headed out on my bike to pick up the kids. As I pedaled, I listened to the kids talk excitedly in the bike trailer. We got to our front door and they waited impatiently while I looked for my keys and… looked for my keys… and looked for my keys… No keys. No cell phone. No keys…. Suddenly I remembered the windows! Standing on an upended garbage can, I hoisted myself up to Joel's bedroom window where I remembered the fly screen was loose. I jacked it out,...
Emma. English teacher and gardener The compulsive communicator. Peace through play. An effort in positivity.