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Showing posts from December, 2008

Peace on Earth

Mercy mild to the mummy. Joel went through a short phase at the end of December when he was very sleepy after his nap. He would either lie in his bed and read books after he woke up or he would go in the living room and wrap himself up in a blanket and lie there quietly for a while..... Maybe it was because I was keeping the house colder. Who really wants to get out of their bed when it is freezing in the house? I will have to file that thought away for future use....

Little Devil

Joel produces art daily. Here are some of his more recent stuff. The painted pictures are ones he made as Christmas presents. A face: Light hitting TV set through window: Snow: Squares with polka-dots: Some Green Lines: Blue bear portrait: Blue bear is his favorite. Jocelyn, Joaquin (who was 2 weeks old) and TJ gave him blue bear when he was born. heart mommy: The devil right before God kicked him out of heaven: Joel says he looks happy because he was having fun being naughty.

Joel's Christmas Decorations

Why am I posting pictures of Joel's Christmas decorations?  Well... it was a bit of an obsession for Joel.  From Thanksgiving to Christmas we made Christmas decorations nearly every day.  We painted tree ornaments, cut out snowflakes, made paper chains... what else... we made Christmas cards. It was insane. Leading up to Christmas we also read every Christmas themed book the library had and watched every Christmas movie we could get our hands on... except A Christmas Story, which is Aaron's favorite.  We were going to watch it on Christmas Eve, but there was too much other stuff we wanted to stuff into that day, including driving around Indianapolis looking at al the Christmas lights. Joel called his room Christmas World.  He got really angry at me because I kept on calling it winter wonderland. WHOOPS!  He had a nativity scene, a christmas tree, the chains we made with Jamia, snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and all the christmas doodads he could persuade me he needed.

The Christmas Present from Hell

Maggi , Jerome and Jackie gave Joel a world game that we all enjoyed. Nana and Grandad and Leon, Colin and Andrea gave Joel a really exciting marble toy .... that took Mommy (that's me) five hours to build!

Christmas Day

Christmas Day went off with a bang thanks to the crackers the Barkers gave us.  Joel thought it was great that we got to wear crowns on Jesus' birthday. In the morning we opened presents and went to church.  PB&J for lunch and then Jesus' birthday cake. Jenny came over for dinner and to watch ELF with us.

MErry Christmas

You have been good!
  griffeechristmas4739.jpg (600 x 784)

Christmas EVE!

Happy Christmas Eve! For our first Christmas Eve at home, we made gingerbread cookies for "Santa". We had fish and chips for dinner (trying to copy what the Kalinowskis are doing in Grand Rapids at Great Grandma's house.)   Then we drove around looking at Christmas lights. We came home and watched part of the Nativity movie... we stopped right when Mary started going into labour and will finish in the morning. Joel is bouncing off the walls but he knows not to leave his room or Santa won't leave any presents! So... Who do you think will be eating the Christmas cookies? Here are the choices: Happy Santa Emma? Santa Bob? Angry Santa Emma? Santa Rose (pictured here with the Christmas baking fairy)? Which Santa is coming down your chimney?

Christmas EVE

A new tradition in our house..  Well, what we hope will be!  Making Christmas cookies!

Twas the night before Christmas, when all thru the abode Only one creature was stirring, she was cleaning the commode. The children were

finally all snug in their beds, while visions of Nintendo 64 & Barbie flipped through their heads. The dad was snoring in front of the TV, with a half-constructed bicycle propped on his knee. So only the mom heard the reindeer hooves clatter, which made her sigh, "Now what is the matter?" With toilet bowl brush still clutched in her hand, She descended the stairs, & saw the old man. He was covered with ashes & soot, which fell with a shrug, "Oh great," muttered the mom, "Now I have to clean the rug." "Ho Ho Ho!" cried Santa, "I'm glad you're awake." "your gift was especially difficult to make." "Thanks, Santa, but all I that I want is time alone." "Exactly!" he chuckled, "So, I've made you a clone." "A clone?" she muttered, "What good is that?" "Run along, Santa, I've no time for chit chat." Then out walked the clone - The mother's twin...

What is really special about Christmas

What is most special about Christmas to Joel is TIME WITH DADDY! He craves it and needs it more than anything. I suppose that if I worked all day and we were apart he would crave time with me too, but as it is, I am sure he has more than enough! Here are some pictures of happy times this month. As I write, Aaron is wrapping presents for me in the basement. Of course, all I really want for Christmas is play time with him too!

breakfast with an angel

The angel, of course, was Abby. She is the best behaved almost two year old I have ever met! Katie, Alex, Abby, Joel and I got together for a delicious breakfast at which we were waiting on by prepubescent boys. They brought our food to the table and refilled our drinks religiously. After breakfast the boys made an angel tree ornament and had their picture taken with an angel. Then we proceeded outside to see the nativity scene.... Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the three kings and animals out in the snow. The camel looked rather peeved. Katie and I are going to try and bring the kids as many time as we can until the boys start protesting.  Already they would not wear the halo they were given, but Abby was more than happy. I just can't understand it!

Claflin Christmas

We did not get to visit any Kalinowskis or Barkers this Christmas, nor did they come to see us, but we did get to see the Claflins and the Griffees, First the Claflins.They spent the night here on their way to Michigan from where they live in Tennessee. Adam is an OHS friend and a good one at that. He moved to Sunfield after tenth grade. I went to my first Metallica concert with him, and we used to spend a lot of time together in 9th and tenth grade. Hanging out with Adam brought back a bunch of old memories that I can't mention. It is wonderful to be back in touch. It is amazing that we still have lots in common and get alone well. What is just as great is that I love his family and so do Joel and Aaron. April is a delight and likes crafty stuff like me, and Lyalka and Mercutio are kind hearted and full of personality and curiosity, just like Joel. I hope we have lots more visits together!

bribery and incentives

To make sure that Adam and the rest of his clan would come to see us every time they come through Indianapolis, we took the kids to the Children's museum. Now Adam and April will have to endure whining of a different kind if they don't stop by! EVIL LAUGH! Naturally, everyone loved it. The kids all enjoyed educating the museum employees about dinosaurs. Mercutio was being pushed around by some big kids and Joel shouted at them to leave his friend alone. Then Mercutio and Joel ensued fighting with each other! Natural kid stuff. We were only there for a couple of hours, but that is always enough or it is just TOO MUCH.