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Showing posts from February, 2009

rainbow bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying hi...
Exciting things are happening and we want to keep you in the loop. Here are three things that we think you'll want to know about: 1. Women in the Word Monday Mornings - new studies launch on March 9th. This weekly time for Bible study, worship and fellowship is launching two new studies: Chasing Daylight and Shepherding a Child's Heart. 2. Women's Candlelight Dinner - enjoy a delicious meal, beautiful tables, and a concert by Kim Tabor. Mark your calenders for April 14, 16, and 17. Tickets go on sale Feb. 28/March 1. If you are interested in hosting and decorating a table for eight, contact Michelle for details. 3. Women's Ministries Mailing List. May we add your name and email address to our mailing list? We'd love to keep you up to date on important things that are happening for women at CATC. If you'd like to add your name, send an email to Tasha


Linda, Veronica, Tara,  and Joel A few mops moms got together this past winter at Conner Prairie. The kids (and the moms) had a great time! Warning from Stacy. Don't go anywhere if Emma will be there with a camera Tara and Stacy Dawn bonding Tara's tea party Lincoln and Joel have fun until Dawn and Emma take over.

Irish Curses

I made some new Irish curses cards! buy at:

Monkey birthday cards

made by me! buy at:

Elephant birthday cards

made by me! buy at:

Pink cupcake Birthday Cards

made by me! buy at:

Thank you cards

hand made by me!


I feel bad that so many people have been crying over the loss of Solomon. I did not mean to make anyone cry.Anyway, I thought I would post more Solomon pics! Joel was crying in his bed last night. heart breaking. Anne brought over a delicious lasagna for our dinner. Lasagna is real comfort food and it really was the best I had ever tasted.

The snow has gone, and with it Sol

But still we try to carry on. Just being dramatic for a minute. I actually like being stuck in the house with the snow outside. The muffled noises make me feel cozy. I love shovelling the driveway in the same way that one might enjoy playing tetris. This snowfall gave me the chance to drive Aaron's car that he promised never to ever let me drive. He drove off the road into the ditch at the bottomg of the our yard he had to let me steer the car while he pushed it out of said ditch. ha ha ha! I had anotherchance driving it a couple of days later. It seems that his new acura does not have very good traction or rear wheel drive Also, Joel loves the snow. He likened it to playing on the beach in San Diego. He is easy to please!

Adventures in loving our kids

My kid is now at the age when he says: “ I don’t love you mommy!” That irritates me. He also says “You don’t love me anymore!” That hurts me. I know he is just “saying words” and does not mean them (as he tells me) but it horrifies me that he might not feel that I love him. Luckily for us, we don’t have to worry about our kids feeling unloved in their moppets’ class! Melissa Henney, our older-moppets leader says, “The teachers are AWESOME this year. They were hand picked by us!” Melissa has developed a curriculum for our kids that is beyond anything our MOPS group has had before. “We are excited for all the wonderful changes made to the MOPPETS program this year. Your children are always well taken care of but this year the older kids are really going to get more out of the 2 hours you are with other MOPS moms. They will be learning about God and many of the wonderful things He made,” says Melissa. In their classes, the kids get to do a fun craft, sing, maybe even dance, and h...

KIDS EAT FREE! (or almost free)

Monday : McAlister's Deli, Kids Meal Special(s) Details: Kids 12 and Under Eat Free (Purchase of an Adult Entree) Monday Night: 9450 N Meridian Street, Indy 569-8900, 8355 E 116th Street, Fishers 842-9400 Old Towne Ale Houes Kids Meal Special(s) Available On: Monday Details: Kids 10 and Under Eat for $1.00 with (Purchase of an Adult Entree) Location: Fishers Majors Sports Cafe , Kids Meal Special(s) Available On: Monday, Details: Kids 12 and Under Eat Free (Purchase of an Adult Entree) Face painting and entertainment included. Location: 116th/Keystone Street Located across from the Merchant Mall C.R. Heroes Family Pub Kids Meal Special(s) Details: Kids 12 and Under Eat for Free with (Purchase of an Adult Entree) Face Painting, ballon animals and a kids game room Location: 10570 E. 96th Street, Fishers Scotty's Brewhouse Tuesday: McAlister's Deli,  Kids Meal Special(s) Available , Details: Kids 12 and Under Eat Free (Purchase of an Adult Entree), Tuesday Night:, 227...

Karla's Carmel Rolls

CARAMEL ROLLS 1 bag frozen bread dough/rolls-36 piece (like Rhodes) or 2 loaves (cut into approx. 40 pieces) 2 small packages vanilla cook & serve pudding mix (NOT instant) 1/2 c. butter 1 c. brown sugar 2 T. milk 1/2 t. cinnamon pecans (optional) Thaw bread* (in refrigerator or microwave). In the bottom of a greased 13x9 pan arrange half the rolls. Melt butter; add brown sugar, pudding mix, milk and cinnamon. Mix together and pour over bread pieces. Break up pecans over top. Then arrange second layer of rolls on top of all. Let rise 3 hours. Bake 20-25 min. at 350. Cool a little in pan. Then turn upside down on platter and let caramel drizzle over top of rolls. *HINTS: I usually just throw the frozen rolls into a sprayed pan, pour the caramel on, and let rise overnight. It gets huge, so I put something underneath to catch the mess, and I "poke" the rolls back a little before I bake. Mine always runs over, so I put a cookie sheet w/ foil underneath.


While you were all sleeping off the effects of your kids late night after the couples' dinner (or whatever you were doing on Friday night), the MOPS steering team was working hard firming up our MOPS programming for the rest of the year. That the meeting involved a lot of laughter, cookies, and a tasty lunch is neither here nor there! One of the subjects we discussed is steering positions for next year. As you know, some of us are graduating, moving, or retiring. For the 2009-2010 steering team we are recruiting specifically for positions in creative activities and hospitality. There are many perks. If you join steering, you get to go to our summer retreat where we spend a day planning the year, brainstorming speakers, crafts, and other activities. You also get to go to our monthly meetings to ensure all the details are in place for each meeting.   Being on Steering is fun and encouraging. We pray together, eat together and laugh together and have the satisfaction that we are do...

Happy Valentine's Day

Before Joel was born we had an aol account. Solomon had his own account; was his address. He wrote emails to cousin Sophie in England. There weer only two pitfalls to having an email account. One was that he couldn't type and had to rely on Jeremiah to do the typing accurately and honestly. Sometimes Jeremiah expressed a contrary point of view. The other pitfall was that Solomon got bombarded with junk mail, and much of it was regarding the size of his penis. He received so many offers for penis enlargement products that he became quite paranoid about going to the park, wondering who was peeking at his privates. Anyway, Sophie sent us an email that Solomon had sent to her: It was December 2001/2002 or January 2002/2003 "Hi! It is snowing here! I made new friends this weekend! They were at the park. One had a human who called him Quincy, but his name was Hooch. The other one had a human who called her Savannah but her name was hot mama. We had fun...

Solomon's last days

Solomon is gone but he had not only a good ten years with us, he had some good last days with us too. This week he attended Joel's "teddy bear picnic". Last week he and Joel played together in the snow.

Solomon gone

From: Aaron Kalinowski Date: February 13, 2009 12:04:19 AM GMT-05:00 Subject: Solomon Hey Guys, I thought I'd let you know that Solomon died tonight. I'm sorry to tell you this through e-mail since it's pretty impersonal, but the only way to do it when I'm a bit sad and it's very late at night. He'd been doing fairly well but obviously on a steady decline the past couple of weeks. I got home from work a bit early today and the weather was nice so Emma actually took him for a long walk and he did just fine. However, at dinner time, Joel shouted at us "Solomon is coughing and spitting blood!" which he wasn't but he was foaming at the mouth but wide awake. He seemed to be fine and I thought he was just choking on his food or something. Fortunately for us, Matt came into town tonight and gave Emma and I a chance to go out together for the first time in months. We went out for dinner and to a book store (as usual) and when we came back, Joel was sleepi...

hygiene habits

Joel has picked up some of my toilet habits. I don't know how it happened. Maybe through me yelling at him to get me a book when I am otherwise engaged.

HAppy Almost valentines day!

Does the picture on the side look like me and Aaron! Maybe when we were younger when Aaron had a perm and I had short hair. We are gearing up for the next big holiday. I have a gift for Aaron and Joel and Joel has gifts for us! Should be fun. Just something small. maybe I will have to make a heart shape cookie cake. I have the pan so I may as well use it.


Friday, February 6 was our MOPS PAmpering Day This is what we did: Created a scrapbook project or Valentine's card with Jenni Beasley, MOPS mom and Creative Memories Consultant Received a mini massage from Pat Samples of The Masters Hand Shopped for unique jewelry made by  Lisa Oberndorfer  of Elemo Got beauty tips and shop for Mary Kay products with Anita Casterline, Independent Beauty Consultant. Lana won the give away! Got Bra fitted with Maia Bray from Nordstrom at the Fashion Mall MOPS mom Stephanie Fearnow received a make over on site! Check out her new style, make-up and outfit. Before: After: Josie told us funny stories  We all had a great time! Thanks to our organizers!