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U of I: What we missed, what we messed

By just a couple of days, we missed BJ Novak from THE OFFICE coming to campus to do stand up. I think he is one of the writers for the show.

Joel thought that the Union Hotel was Awesome because of the bowling alley in the basement. I WON , even though I did not talke advantage of the kiddie bumpers like that cheating cheater Aaron did.

We went for an indian dinner a the BASMATI grill. This was the first place Aaron ever had Indian food. I introduced the two of them. We went there on Valentine's Day 1996 and we argued over who would pay.

I went to get Joel's food from the buffet. As I approached the table, Aaron made a grand gesture and knocked the plate out of my hand, throwing curry all over the room. The food was not as good as we remembered and the new owners were surprising unfriendly.

This is the White Horse Inn on Green Street. It was closed down, the windows smashed, but the salt and pepper shakers were still on the table. It was from here that Jonathan Treagust called me in 1995 during his Chambana stop on his cross-the-USA motorcycle trip with Tim. It was also here that we had dinner on Claire's last night in the US before returning to the UK after her Chambana leg of her US trip.

Next door to here Garcia still is. That was the place where I went on a triple blind date with three guys, Carrie and Lisa. Lisa's date showed her his knife collection. There was no second date for any of us.


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